Saturday, December 8, 2018

Author Interview with Sean Kerr by Ivy Valori


I have a wonderful treat for everyone today. 
I had the honor of chatting with a multi-genre Author, Mr. Sean Kerr. We talked about his books, his love of writing, his hobbies and more. We also had some great laughs. 

Sit back, relax and enjoy this interview. 

Thank You! 


My dear Sean, tell me alittle bit about yourself.

Author Sean Kerr: 

I"m 49, and live with my husband in Cardiff, Wales. We have been together 30 years. I trained in the fine art and interior design, but my real passions lie with writing and making jewellery. For the last 13 years I have had my own interior design business, but I was taken seriously ill at the beginning of this year, and I lost the business. Now I wok from home, writing and selling hand made cards and jewellery.


I must say that our jewellery is gorgeous. I might have snooped around your pages. Lol

Author Sean Kerr: 

I love doing it. It really challenges me and keeps me active.


A beautiful gift you have.

Author Sean Kerr: 

My brain is constantly simmering with story lines. I'm a huge film buff, and I love all the old monster movies and sci-fi series. It constantly sets my brain in wondering what I can do with the mythology of various monsters and legends. I have a number of stories on the back burner now, and once Christmas is over I intend to delve into my next saga. And I love to mess around with history.


How many books have you written thus far?

Author Sean Kerr: 

I have written 9 books so far and 5 shorts. With everything I write I try to create something different and interesting.


Wow! You're a writing machine.

Author Sean Kerr: 

Lol... Not really. Dead Camp was four and a half years of my life. I wrote the first two books before I had a publisher, and that took a couple years but since I was ill, I have written as much as I can to take advantage of being home and I can't sit still for two minutes.  Lol... My brain is constantly thinking for things to write and things to make.


You're in over drive.

Author Sean Kerr: 

I have to keep busy. It's just the way I am. Though I like nothing more than to settle down with my husband for an evening and watch  Netflix and films. I always try to keep weekends free so I can indulge in my other hobbies of film and my PS4. Lol


Oh we have a gamer on our hands. Lol

Author Sean Kerr: 

I love my PS4. Skyrim. Fallout. Mass Effect. Just some of my favorites. I once lost a month to playing Destiny. Lol


Now do you write for your own pleasure or do you write to satisfy readers?

Author Sean Kerr: 

I write for me. I always have. I write the sort of things I like to read. I don't believe in writing to a formula, though that may work for some. I just can't do it. I tried it once and it turned into something much darker because I couldn't help it.


Is there a genre that you haven't tackled yet?

Author Sean Kerr: 

I haven't done Sci-fi yet. I have this huge Sci-fi story, I want to develop. It has been rattling around my head for a couple years. I know how the first two books would go, and have an idea for the third. I hope to start that real soon.


Busy busy busy...

Author Sean Kerr: 

It will be from a Gay mans perspective, but it won't be hot sex on every page. It's a complex Sci-fi story which I need to develop carefully. I like to build my own mythologies. Dead Camp was my vampire mythology, and The Man Inside Me was my spin on a very old tale.


Have you made any jewellery pieces that compliment some of your stories?

Author Sean Kerr: 

My jewellery is totally aside from my books though I like to make some of my pendants after mythological characters and books. The piece I am doing now is made with blue opal and is inspired by Lord Of The Rings.


What are some of challenges, if any, that you face as a writer?

Author Sean Kerr: 

Keeping going. With so many established and stunning authors out there, it is very difficult to get noticed and not be swallowed up by the hundreds of books circulating. At the moment I have hit a brick wall. I have started two manuscripts and I have abandoned both of them.

I need to find my way into a book. I need to find a voice for it in order for it to fly, and right now, I'm having difficulty with that. I have put out quite a bit this year, and perhaps I just need to step away for a bit and recharge but there are these stories in my mind that I really want to tell. Dark, scary, sexy stories that need to find voices. 


Sometimes recharging of ones mind is needed.

Author Sean Kerr: 

Yes. It's been a strange year. I lost a great deal, including a lot of myself. I have yet to get that back. But I'm working hard to try and remedy that.


Good for you. I'm happy to hear that.

You're both a published and indie author, correct?

Author Sean Kerr: 

I am indeed yes! I am proud to be both. For the near future at least, I will stay indie. It is a dream to be picked up by one of the big publishing houses, but I doubt that will happen because of the sort of things I write. Though you never know, my Horror books may get noticed.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of being both published and indie?

Author Sean Kerr: 

With a publisher, you lose a fair amount of control. With my Dead Camp series, I had to lose some things due to company rules regarding what is and is not allowed. Also, I have no control over how the book is published, or indeed the money I get from them.

Being Indie, I can write and stay true to my idea without compromising content. There is a scene towards the end of The Man Inside Me which would not be allowed at my publishers. In my world, I was able to do it. I can also control the prices, the marketing, everything about the books.

I find that I love having that level of control. It is a VERY steep learning curve and I have made some huge mistakes, but I am proud of what I have achieved so far, and I am really looking forward to seeing where it will take me next. But to belong to a big publishing house has other more important advantages. Like having a huge ready made audience.

That is something I am craving for, and it may see me hunting for a larger publisher. I would also like to get an agent, but that is almost impossible to achieve.


Well, I have a feeling 2019 will be your year to get that agent and a publishing house deal.

Author Sean Kerr: 

I would love that!!!


Is there any subject that you wouldn't write about?

Author Sean Kerr: 

My lovely mum asked why I don't have a go at writing crime/thriller. But that is just not me. I love my Paranormal, horror and sci-fi. The worlds are your own and you are not bound by human laws, so I find that far more exciting. Having said that, a crime thriller with a supernatural twist? Maybe lol


See now there you go, the beginning of a story. Lol... It all starts with a question.

Author Sean Kerr: 

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! You are absolutely right there!!!


Look out everyone, you saw it here first. The start of a new crime thriller by Author Sean Kerr. Hahaha!

Author Sean Kerr: 

HAHAHA!! Yeah, never ask an author a question! Especially one who loves conspiracy theories!



Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself

Author Sean Kerr: 

First, I once attended an author signing event. ShiMMer in a giant inflatable Cock outfit. Second, sometimes I pretend I'm Norma Desmond and sing the entire soundtrack to Sunset Boulevard. Third, I once dreamt that David Tennant bent me over the Tardis console and did very rude things to me. I have never recovered.


*hilariously laughing* I'm dying here...

Author Sean Kerr: 

Lmfao... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It's all true. Oh, and as an added bonus. my short story, The One Ring is a true story.


I truly believe they are. I can imagine you doing all of that. For those who aren't familiar with that story, can you give us a brief description of it?

Author Sean Kerr: 

Let's just say it involves some Sunday morning frolics and a diamond ring that suddenly goes missing and the pain of having to ....find it again.


Oh I must read this now. Lol

Author Sean Kerr: 

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You will need a tissue to mop up your tears of laughter. That short story has become...infamous.


The link will be provided so that readers can start the fun reading adventure.

Author Sean Kerr: 

OMG!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I hope they know what they are in for lol.


Thank you the laughter.

Are you a music listening as you write kind of author?

Author Sean Kerr: 

No. Or I start singing along and get no where. I love to put old monster movies on in the background, or episodes of Doctor Who. They just get me in the mood.


That's different.

Do you have any weird or fun writing habits?

Author Sean Kerr: 

Nothing weird I'm afraid. But I do have to make sure that all the housework is done first or I can't settle. And I have to have and endless supply of coffee and my e-cig always at hand.


One last question for you...

Having been in this writing career for quite some time, What advice, if any, would you give new aspiring writers?

Author Sean Kerr: 

Always ask for help, and never let anyone tell you that you can't do it. The best thing I ever did was make wonderful friends in the community. I also made the best friend out of my Maggie Lane who is my PA, and I made a best friend of my gorgeous editor, Laura McNellis, who edits all my books. A book isn't something you just write and publish. You have to have amazing covers, and the editing is so absolutely vital. Find an editor you trust, and listen to them. They just want your book to be the best it can be, and sometimes an author can be too close to their work to see it's flaws. So listen. And keep listening. \Keep learning. And keep pushing the boundaries for the genres you write. My books are very different to anything else out there, because that is what I love to do. I like to push boundaries and I try very hard to make every book new and vibrant. Make friend. Be a part of this amazing community, because without it, they are just words on paper.


Wow! What amazing advice. Thank you so much for that. I'm sure it will be very helpful to many. I want to Thank you for joining me today, Sean. It's been such a great pleasure getting to know alittle more about you. You're a gentleman and very funny too. I love it! I look forward to reading more of your work as you delight us all with your books in 2019.

Author Sean Kerr: 

Thank you so very much for having me. And I want to say Thank you for everything you do. As an author, it is vital to reach people, and you help us to do that. You are as important to this industry as our editors are to us. So thank you with all my heart for your kindness and your support.


Thank you for your kind words. It brings great joy to my heart to give to you and other authors my unconditional support. I love reading and helping others. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your husband. We shall definitely do this again.

Author Sean Kerr: 

My love to you my friend. I hope that you have a wonderful xmas, and that the new year brings you much love and happiness. xxxxx


Thank you, Sean.

Author Sean Kerr: 

Take Care Ivy.

You can follow and get more updates about Author Sean Kerr on social media.

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