Monday, May 22, 2017

Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends

Welcome Poets and Friends!

Thank you all for joining me, Poison Ivy, here at the poetry corner. This is the 2nd edition of the poetry and the poetry writing challenge has changed. In this edition, poets were given the same photo and with that photo they had to find words of inspiration. 

All poem submissions are private. The poets are asked not to share with one another or anyone else. Here at the poetry corner, all the poems are seen for the first time by the public.

Below is the photo the poets used. This photo was randomly found on Google. 


Poem #1 - Persuasive Lie
by Jesse Batista

I am not that which I am perceived to be. Do not think that you even know me. I will show you compassion, but, l I think you’ll find, the demon that raised me, poisoned my mind. The glow of my aura beckons for peace. The rage is inside me; the violent release. My love is enduring.  My desires are strong. My revenge is twisted if you do me wrong. The calm would seem to sooth my soul, but I am left with anger and no self- control. Just when you think you’ve taken charge, your deceit will release the beast at large. The outer shell is a persuasive lie. Deceive me once and you shall die.

Poem #2 - Why, must I be who I am?
by: Dara Gossamer

Why, must I feel the way that I feel

I look in the mirror and what do I see

Nothing, there is no me

Worthless, broken and unlovable

Some of us just have that kind of trouble.

No connection to another...

Uncertain when it happened

I think maybe, I was just born sad.

Is is possible to be incapable of happiness?

Fleeting glimpses of what that may be

Watching others, not understanding the world they see the

Wanting nothing more than this world to flee.

Insightful, everyone thinks I am

But really, I am nothing but a fucking sham

Content, to represent... A false prophet am I
A liar, a cheat...

The stories of my life the same, they just repeat.

Always on the outside, looking in

An invisible veil between me and them

No one sees it, they believe I am soft, tender and kind

To my inner self, they are blind

Me, they think they see me for who I am, but I am beyond flawed

 I am just a fraud .

Why, must I be who I am?

Poem #3 - by: an unknown

Mirror, Mirror watching me
I can feel your hatred flowing free.
I can sense your eyes follow me around,
I can hear your voice calling all over town.
I do my best to live life without hesitation,
But it's nearly impossible when I fear my own reflection.
People say I'm crazy but they don't understand,
They don't feel the touch upon my hand.
They don't realize what you're trying to do,
But I know that you're waiting for the chance to pull me through.
You want to trade me places so you can escape your cell,
Live my life while I rot inside your hell.
I know the games you play,
Looking sweet and innocent until I turn away.
I look into your eyes and feel the scorn,
It's not my fault that you, dear sister, were never born.
I think it's time to let go of the hate and stop the childish games,
It's time to let me live my life in peace because I am not to blame.
I know you don't agree with me and the hate is something you will never let go,
So, I will look straight into your eyes as I grab a piece of broken glass and open my arm to let the blood flow.
I'll stare at you ensuring that you can't stop me no matter how hard you want to try,
And as I collapse to the floor out of your sight, a small will creep on my face as we slowly wilt and die.

             What do you see in the mirror?

Thank you everyone for joining us all. Thank you to the outstanding poests above for taking this challenge and allowing the image to takeover. Your poems are beautiful. Love them all! 

See you at the next challenge. 

Kind regards, 
~Poison Ivy 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends

Welcome to the Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends! 

As a writer and lover of poetry, I thought it would be fun to bring together different types of poets and challenge them to some poetry writing. The purpose of the poetry corner is to introduce to everyone the multi-talented minds in the poetry world. In so little words, poets are able to capture so much emotion from their audience and here at the poetry corner, you will see just that. 

There will be multiple challenges, with fun twists to them. The biggest twist is that every poet has no idea what the other has written. Everyone separately receives the same challenge and has a deadline to submit. I can guarantee that no poem will be the same. 

Thank you for joining me and my friends! We hope you enjoy reading the poetry and one day participating. 

Hugs! ~Poison Ivy


Challenge rules:
 I, Poison Ivy, wrote a poem that was unfinished. The participating poets were to finish said poem but the challenge twist was, they weren't allowed to change my words. 

Original poem written by Poison Ivy 

A delicate rose trapped in the depths of pain 
Secluded from external light 
Yet shines from within 
Wanting to blossom 
Needing nourishment from gentle hands
A gentle soul 
The caress of the wind 
Upon it's petals so weak...

Poem #1 written by R.d. Preston

A delicate rose trapped in the depths of pain 
Secluded from external light 
Yet shines from within 
Wanting to blossom 
Needing nourishment from gentle hands
A gentle soul 
The caress of the wind 
Upon it's petals so weak 
Lightly and tenderly 
No longer so bleak 
The encouragement of life 
Through each gentle touch 
Stronger in love
Needing so much 
Longing for each caress 
To strengthen its heart 
Feelings of love 
Across each tender part 
Needing the force 
That will soon make it strong 
With love in the air 
It knows it belongs 
How does the rose
Once damaged never die 
It finds its true love 
With tears of joy never cry.

Poem #2 written by Jesse Batista

A Delicate Rose

 A delicate rose trapped in the depths of pain, bruised, torn, damaged 

 Secluded from external light, yet shines from within 

Wanting to blossom, needing nourishment from gentle hands; a gentle soul

 The caress of the wind upon its petals so weak

Dawn breaks, the sky illuminates.

The dew glistens off the leaves of the nearby Gladiolus

The sun radiates off the neighboring Hyacinth

Yearning, The delicate rose reaches for the warmth of the sun

The succulent moisture of the air

A Deep desire to bask in the heat of the day.

Craving that which is just out of reach

In the distance the sky rumbles and pops

Ominous clouds fill the sky

Lightning cracks and the Rain monsoons

The winds whip ferociously leaving a path of utter destruction

The Gladiolus and Hyacinth lay tattered, destroyed,  lifeless

The Delicate Rose while torn and damaged remains to long another day. 

Poem #3 written by Remy Pierce

 A delicate rose trapped in the depths of pain 
Secluded from external light
Yet shines from within
Wanting to blossom
Needing nourishment from gentle hands
A gentle soul
The caress of the wind
Upon it's petals so weak

Trying to find the strength in the words they speak, will they be the one for me, will they be the one that sets me free

This is something I do not know but regardless of what happens my would will grow

I will find my way out of darkness and into the light because something tells me that is my eternal fight.



I would like to Thank poets, R.d Preston, Jesse Batista and Remy Pierce, for taking part and opening up the Poetry Corner with your amazing poems. I appreciate your willingness to think outside the box, step out of your comfort zones and just write what came to your minds. Your talents are wonderful. I hope to see you for many more fun challenges.

Many hugs,
~Poison Ivy