I, Poison Ivy and Friends, are so happy to see you all here today. You have just walked into our very special Halloween Horror Poetry Corner that will entertain you like never before. We are joined today by a few of our regular poets here at the poetry corner and we also have some very new participants trying poetry for the first time so lets welcome them with open arms. I must say that I did enjoy each and every submission, as I always do but nothing is more entertaining than some Halloween fun and twisted tales. Enjoy the journey!
The rules to this poetry challenge was very difficult to come up with but it had to be done.
All the participants were asked to write a Halloween themed poem and to have tons of fun while writing it.
All the participants were asked to write a Halloween themed poem and to have tons of fun while writing it.
Zombie bumble by Sebastian Andrews
(Zombie Bumble collaborated illustration by Sebastian Andrews and an Anonymous Artist)
A walk down the street and what do you meet but zombies who have risen from their graves.
One so close, mangled and gross and its human brains he craves.
Another approaches and to the other he coaches and smacks him upside his head.
He points and growls, looks at you and scowls you laugh and say “well said”.
He tries to close in, you say with a grin “ you’re movin a bit to slow”
You continue to tease, very at ease and say “yo momma was a big fat hoe”
Step to the side, right and left you slide as the zombie continues to advance.
Your confidence on the rise, you sway as you trivialize and ask the zombie to dance.
The zombie rolls his eyes, and once again he tries and surprise, you’re dead.

A big zombie smile and a zombie hog pile as your brains flop out of your skull.
After the pounce, the brain did bounce, leaving no time to mull It rolls down the gutter, their hearts all a flutter they rise to give it chase
One dives for the prize which was very unwise, he won’t be winning the race.
It was pretty intense, he didn’t see the fence and now he’s wiggling and impaled
Another slides in head first, hit the wall and burst, we’ll just called it …failed.
Some make strides, keeping pace along side, pushing the others down
The brain hits a bump, hits the road with a thump and continues to roll towards town.
Zombies have no luck, they didn’t hear the Mac truck and SPLAT!! 3 adhere to the grill.
Here comes a car!!! Oh, that’s gonna leave a scar, 2 dragged by the chassis down the hill.
One climbs a wall only to fall in the raging river below
There was a loose block now he’s a spot on a rock cuz the water was waaaaay to shallow.
The brain comes to rest in an alley recessed one zombie stands alone
He scoops it in his hands, looks and scans, the brain is all his own.
He drools with delight and goes for a bite when he hears an eerie sound
He looks up to see a falling tree which pounds him into the ground.
The Reckoning by Jesse Batista
Deep in the dark canopied forest, opens the gates of hell.
The night creatures sing in chorus until the rise of the sulfuric smell.
A quickened hush as they scurry through the brush as the ground rumbles and shakes.
The Earth crumbles while the soil jumbles and the land gives in to the quakes.
A plume of smoke gives the rising a cloak and the flames shoot from the pit.
The trees add to the pyre, the sky is on fire and the atmosphere is moonlit.
The shadows encroach and the demons approach the uppermost edge of the chasm.
They cackle with delight, fill the air with fright and ascend from the hollow with enthusiasm.
The evil is crawling to the edge of the woodland, a night of reckoning is at hand.
Hatred to empower, souls to devour; utter destruction is what they intend
They move swiftly to the city, they’ll show no pity, they’ve been released to hasten the end.
Legions of fiends line the border in order to fill every crack, every crevice; all the seams.
There will be no escape, no redemption, no exception; the assail is taking shape
They stand at ready, holding steady, waiting for the command to obliterate
With a wave of its hand, no strategy planned they move forward and annihilate
Wading through the damage, they plunder and scavenge shredding all that stands in the way
No matter sinner or winner or innocent beginner, all are decedent prey
Crowds scatter as bodies splatter amongst the screams of agony and dread
Slashing with talons, spilling blood by the gallons, they feast and consume the dead.
The red embers burn, it’s the point of no return and the humanities crumple and collapse.
The morning sun rises and again reprises as the days continue to elapse.
Unforgiving violence takes to peaceful silence as malevolence departs
There is no disdain; nothing could remain, wiped clean by the blackest of hearts.
The candy rattling in her bag, she walks from door to door
Her haul tonight has been good, but she is greedy and wants more
Her witches hat starting to droop, her willpower bereft
It is late, she is tired, not many houses left
Her feet are dragging, her breath is cloudy in the cold air
She hears a clatter, is someone there?
Turning around, it is still, quiet, almost eerily so
Her pace quickens, she is no longer slow
Her senses sharpen, her nerves are shot
Who is behind her? what have they got?
Trying to run, her legs are like jelly
Her dinner is churning, in her delicate belly
She stumbles, then falls, can't get back up
She is lying there helpless, like a newborn pup
A shadow looms over, who could it be
She scrunches her eyes, trying to see
A hand emerges, she starts to scream
It is her worst nightmare, no longer a dream
"Hush," says the stranger, "I am here to help.
You are out late, for a young whelp
Let me take you home, back to your bed
I can watch over you, sleep in your shed
I am sure you'd like that, maybe we could cuddle
Let me take care of you, you are in a muddle"
"No," shouts the girl, feeling suddenly brave
"I am fine, not a lost puppy to save"
Rapidly rising, she gets to her feet
Then breaks into a run, back along the street
The stranger follows, keeping pace behind
She is panicking, he's playing with her mind
She can't go much faster, he has not much distance to gain
Her lungs are burning, her joints feel the pain
A crash, a bang, the man is no longer there
What happened to him? She does not care
She reaches her house, enters, then locks the door
She collapses behind it, slumped on the floor
But there stands the man, holding a sack
Dropping it over her, she sees nothing but black
A heavy blow rains upon her head
The darkness envelops her, suddenly she is dead
The stranger stands over her, hearing the final moan
Let this be a lesson, don't trick or treat alone
Blossoms By Nate D. Burleigh
Blossoms always tickle toes.
I see them … watch them grow.
Rotten tomatoes smash my wall, wrinkled by age.
Dew drips into my pedals.
Walkers by, they seek:
candy, bubble gum, a homemade sweet.
One day they will find.
A clown in paint.
Shriveled black orbs where eyes used to be.
Bifurcated sternum, fractured nose, and fist crunched teeth.
His filth still itches in my nares.
Broken knife and a blood-soaked slipper.
Now only a few more feet.
But they don’t stop.
Don’t hear.
Because my throat he cut,
from ear-to-ear.
Blossoms come, and blossoms go.
One day soon. They’ll all know.
I see them … watch them grow.
Rotten tomatoes smash my wall, wrinkled by age.
Dew drips into my pedals.
Walkers by, they seek:
candy, bubble gum, a homemade sweet.
One day they will find.
A clown in paint.
Shriveled black orbs where eyes used to be.
Bifurcated sternum, fractured nose, and fist crunched teeth.
His filth still itches in my nares.
Broken knife and a blood-soaked slipper.
Now only a few more feet.
But they don’t stop.
Don’t hear.
Because my throat he cut,
from ear-to-ear.
Blossoms come, and blossoms go.
One day soon. They’ll all know.
At the Edge of Sanity by Emir Skalonja
I stood amidst the storm like no other,
a whirlwind of souls that beckoned me forth.
In the ravishing darkness, the monsters called
for the sheep to enter.
They were for Belial,
the offerings of flesh, warm and bloody,
tender and succulent, offering a plenty.
The reaping of souls they called it.
I moved closer, against my own will,
for the path behind me closed at the gates
made of bones,
the screaming faces staring back at me.
The sheer force pulled,
my very being, up ahead a tornado of blood,
as if the skies were crying the crimson liquid
for those that perished by the butcher’s blade.
It brought me to madness,
for I had no will of my own, nor the energy
to command my own flesh. I had become…
a simple, pathetic puppet.
And the eyes,
Of the terrible eyes that stared back at me.
Hungry and menacing. The pain hadn’t even begun,
yet their gaze peeled my flesh, piece by piece…
by piece.
Only then did it dawn on me, but the sun I did not see,
that my life was not my own,
and that it belonged here, in this bar-less prison,
from which I could not escape.
And then came the mouth,
and razor-sharp teeth, that sunk into my flesh,
until there was nothing but the morbid blackness
all around.
And yet again, I saw myself staring into the storm…
At the beginning of the edge of my sanity…
Among the Stones By David Blackthorn
All Hallows Eve, an evening of dread
The walls at their thinnest ‘tween living and dead
A Ouija or séance some use to commune
But me, I’ll be digging a hole ‘neath the moon
Halloween night, a journey alone
Lumbering slowly between these gray stones
Staying in shadows and foliage for cover
My mission tonight is to dig up my lover
Our time together, we lived for this day
And memories return as I stand by her grave
Once more I’ll have her the way that we were
And softly my shovel sinks into the dirt
Each time the blade of the shovel goes in
A memory floods through the nerves of my brain
Times that we shared till the moment of death
And the promise I made her at her dying breath
I’d come here to spend Halloween at her side
Every October till the day that I died
The first year I stared at the granite and dust
But realized the head stone would not be enough
An hour of digging and finally I see
The lid of the casket is within my reach
I open the lid and I reach deep inside
I pulled from the darkness my beautiful bride
I realize to some, my story seems sick
I reach in my pocket and pull out lipstick
Applied to her lips is a deep shade of red
It's hard to believe it's three years she’s been dead
We sit in the moonlight, our fingers entwined
No words pass between us, in silence I pine
Soon it is over for one more full year
Counting the days till I can return here
Every October, I unbury her
For a moment I feel the way that we were
Just before dawn I’ll put her back in
But next year I’ll dig up her body again
Until You Wake Again by Christopher Artinian
A cold wind blows through town tonight, stop press too late to warn.
A girl lies dead, the cause a bite, but all will change by dawn.
For bites are funny things my friend, sometimes they smart or burn.
Sometimes they itch, sometimes they weep, but this bite makes you turn.
This moment sees her lifeless corpse turn whiter than the snow.
One more will pass and then a third before it's time to go.
For when she wakes, she will not be the girl that we once knew.
She will be a soul-less ghoul whose eyes are but for you.
She won't see laughter, or your pain. She won't see smiles or tears.
She won't see foggy streets again, or even all your fears.
She won't see eyes, or ears, or nose, or mouth, or lips, or cheeks.
But your neck will light her eyes, for life from that she seeks.
And as her teeth sink through your flesh and blood begins to flow.
The songs of death will start to sing, and in that flash you'll know;
That life is just a fleeting thing and life is full of pain,
And life will always end in death, until you wake again.
The wicked witch by The Knight Poet
There's a witch in my house
Little monsters too
They bitch and complain
As if they lived in a shoe
They get by with murder
While the witch makes her brew
The spider webs are getting out of control
Because the filthy witch
Doesn't know how to use her broom
Trick r' treat the monsters yell
Dressed up like little princesses
If you can't tell
I can't wait till this ends
My head is pounding because
I can't wait till the stupid
Witch is dead...
Thank you so much for joining us for our special Halloween Poetry Corner Edition.
Each poem so unique on it's own and with great Halloween twists.
A huge Thank you goes out to ALL the wonderful poets, who just so happen to be gentlemen, for taking the time out to write and contribute to this poetry challenge.
I know for some this was the first time writing poetry and let me just say "Bravo" to you all. You all stepped up to the challenge and for that I am grateful and so are your new poetry fans.
Well my lovely and dear friends, this is the last Poetry Corner Challenge for 2017. I hope you've all enjoyed all the fantastic challenges up to this point. I am very excited to bring you all new challenges, new poetry adventures but most of all I look forward to seeing some returning poets along with new poets here to the Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends.
Thank you again for all your support.
See you in 2018!!
Thank you so much for joining us for our special Halloween Poetry Corner Edition.
Each poem so unique on it's own and with great Halloween twists.
A huge Thank you goes out to ALL the wonderful poets, who just so happen to be gentlemen, for taking the time out to write and contribute to this poetry challenge.
I know for some this was the first time writing poetry and let me just say "Bravo" to you all. You all stepped up to the challenge and for that I am grateful and so are your new poetry fans.
Well my lovely and dear friends, this is the last Poetry Corner Challenge for 2017. I hope you've all enjoyed all the fantastic challenges up to this point. I am very excited to bring you all new challenges, new poetry adventures but most of all I look forward to seeing some returning poets along with new poets here to the Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends.
Thank you again for all your support.
See you in 2018!!
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