Saturday, June 25, 2016


I had the honor of sitting down and chatting with Bestselling Author Tj Weeks. Tj along with his very talented family are featured authors of A Weeks Family Weekend Spotlight on the blog, so a sit down interview chat was just a must. I hope you enjoy our chat.   

Poison Ivy:
Good afternoon Tj! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come chat with me for the next hour.

How are you today?

Tj Weeks:
I'm doing great & thanks for having me.

Poison Ivy:
It's my pleasure. I must say from the moment I became a PA in the horror genre your name has come up in many conversations.

Tj Weeks:
I'm a little bit of everywhere.

Poison Ivy:
For those of us new to your work, please tell use alittle something about yourself and all your books.

Tj Weeks:
Well, my career has circled around bands, military & writing. I just released out my 50th book with book 2 of The Horror Squad

I did military for 8 years, music about my whole life & writing since I was 12.

Poison Ivy:
Wow! You've had a very active life. Sounds great!

Thank you for your service.

You say you've been writing since you were 12, what kind of things did you write at such an early age?

Tj Weeks:
Very Welcome. Something about a rocketship lol

Poison Ivy:
*laughs* I guess young boys would think of that stuff.

At what age or stage of your life did you realize that you wanted to publish books?

Tj Weeks:
It was a school project. My school published out that book. Although, I haven't been able to find it since. About 30 yrs old. I published out a few books of old lyrics and kind of took off from there. A lot of people base me as a zombie author, but I'm actually new to that genre.

Poison Ivy:
What inspires you to write?

Tj Weeks:
Everything. I see things everyday and have that what if approach.

Poison Ivy:
What genre do you identify more of your writing too?

Tj Weeks:
I'm probably more Psychological/Suspense with a lot of thriller.

Poison Ivy:
You said everything inspires you, is any of your books based on real life experience? Or just imagination of your "what if approach?"

Tj Weeks:
Everything I write has a fraction of truth to it. I have my autobiography that's 100% non fiction.

Poison Ivy:
Has your family always been supportive writing career?

Tj Weeks:
My wife and kids have. My mom and dad only of that last year or two.

Poison Ivy:
Great to have your family behind you.

Tj Weeks:
Definitely, I'd be doing something else by now if they hadn't supported.

Poison Ivy:
I am still in amazement that you've written 50 books. Congratulations on such a great accomplishment in your life.

Out of those 50 books, which book(s) would you say gave you the biggest challenge, and which book(s) have you had the most fun writing?

Tj Weeks:
Biggest challenge was definitely the Devil Days series only because the amount of research. The Horror Squad has been the most fun because of the amount of people I know that I have put in it.

Poison Ivy:
Research sounds boring lol. How much research would you say goes into writing a book?

Tj Weeks:
A lot. If you don't know what you're talking about, no one would be interested, specially those that know about it. Everything has to make sense.

Poison Ivy:
It brings the story together.

Tj Weeks:
I have even talked to some authors that have done 3 & 4 years of research before writing a book.

Poison Ivy:
Amazing! I am shocked by how long that takes.

Tj Weeks:
Well..not me, but other authors. I'd lose interest in that long of doing most things.

Poison Ivy:
What do you feel makes your writing stand out from other authors out there?

Tj Weeks:

I love analogies. It helps put the reader into your thoughts.

Poison Ivy:
If you don't mind, please share with us one of your favorite analogies.

Tj Weeks:
My heart was beating like a baby chick about to explode from my shell and into my new life.

Poison Ivy:
*smiles* Thank you for sharing.

Tj Weeks:

Poison Ivy:
Do you have a favorite author that you could say you admire? Who?

Tj Weeks:
Dan Brown or Iris Johansen are my favorite authors.

Poison Ivy:
What is it about these two authors that draw you in?

Tj Weeks:
Twists mainly, but I love a great suspense that can keep me hanging but drawn in.

Poison Ivy:
If there were a time and place that you could travel back too and rewrite it, when and where would it be?

Tj Weeks:
My whole teenage years. They're all a blur.

Poison Ivy:
Good answer. I never would have guessed you'd pick a time in your own life. I like it.

Tj Weeks:
Yeah, I was a little too friendly with drugs back then. Definitely a time in my life that still remains unknown and lucky to have made it through.

Poison Ivy:
What does Tj Weeks do for fun? Hobbies?

Tj Weeks:
Fishing, playing pool, barbeque, hiking, camping, hunting and gardening.

Poison Ivy:
You stay busy.

Tj Weeks:

Poison Ivy:
If you don't mind sharing, please tell us 5 fun facts about yourself that no one knows.

Tj Weeks:
Not sure of things people don't know, I'm an open book.

1. I lived about half my life with my grandma
2. I live paycheck to paycheck like most
3. I met my wife on Facebook
4. We have 5 kids between both of us
5. My health isn't top notch

Poison Ivy:
Thank you for sharing that with us.

Is there something in life that you've always wanted to do that you haven't done yet? What?

Tj Weeks:
Not really. I'd just like my name out there long enough for me to enjoy it instead of people seeing me after I'm dead and gone.

Poison Ivy:
Tj, with so many new authors coming out these days and publishing their work, what advise would you give them as a fellow author?

Tj Weeks:
Don't expect anything to happen overnight and if you're doing it for the money, back out now because starting out you're a long ways from it.

Poison Ivy:
What keeps Tj Weeks motivated on a day to day basis in life, as a man, a husband, father, son, friend and author?

Tj Weeks:
Everyday is a new day. That's my motivation on pretty much everything.

Poison Ivy:
Something we can all relate too.

Well, I can't believe our hour is up. It has been such a great honor and privilege to have spent this time chatting with you, Tj. Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into your writing and life. We should do this again sometime. I hope you have a very amazing day.

Tj Weeks: 
Of course and I had a blast.

Author Bio
I'm TJ Weeks, author of over 30 published books.

I've been writing since I was a young child. I guess you could say it's one of my many passions. I also enjoy music. I love to write lyrics and hear the sounds come to life after the product is done. Kind of like my writing, it all starts with a thought of a character, then after a while of writing you get to learn each character as I have. I enjoy talking with my fans and love to get their feedback on my work. Outside of writing I served eight years in the military. I served one deployment to Iraq. I did vocals for a band for eighteen years. I also enjoy the outdoors and traveling.

Follow Tj Weeks on social media

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