Welcome back to the Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends. I am so happy to see everyone return. You're all entering into an exciting poetic journey this time around. We have our regular poets joining us for this challenge, along with a very youthful surprise. A very young new poet has chosen to enter the poetry challenge and her debut poem is lovely.
This poetry theme went through great discussion between myself and my secret advisor. You will be taken on a mythological journey in search of either a mythological creature or item.
The Unicorn by Wings of Gossamer
She searched the lands her whole life through
Journeying far and wide the monsters she slew
Seeking out the elusive unicorn was she
Knowing from youth without it never whole to be
The fables told were old and worn
Tattered by the tellers with beauty they still adorn
For she listened with an unrelenting ear
Her heart yearning as the magic fell in the form of a tear
Long and hard she has sought
Nay sayers and disbelievers lifelong she had fought
Witches, wizards and warlocks braved
Spells, potions all sorts of magick she to which she was enslaved
Robbing and stealing to find her path
Risking from those who opposed her their wrath
Ravaged by battles, sickened by blight
The never ending search, never giving up the fight
The fables followed of her romantic notion
About her insane quest propelled by passionate locomotion
The stories echoed through the kingdom of a woman possessed
Walking through the fire of dragons journeying on her quest
A legend created by the tales spun
Of her undying love, her search for the one
This elusive creature she spent her life
Gallivanting the mountains and valleys, though the journey was filled with rife
One day, when she’d grown older and all so weary
She did wake in a forest her eyes tired and bleary
When upon her, staring her in the eye
Was the dream all scoffed at and she did cry
For at long last, decades blurred by in the blink of a day
As she stared with utter delight at the creature all had said was nay
Her soul finally whole and complete
All the sorrow, agony and pain it did delete
For the magickal creature she knew existed from the start
Had finally found her and instantly filled her heart
He was the one they said she’d never find
It was they who were insensitively blind
Frenzied Voices by Jesse Batista
Awoken to the darkness to a whole new dimension. A tour through the mind of things I care not to mention. Repetitious in content while visually scattered. The reflections in the mirror leave me scorned and battered. A tour of introspection through a shadowy lair. I journey toward freedom but, drawn to despair. Continents scoured and no remedy found. Exhausted I continue and my feet hit the ground. Stuck in the pitch of my own delusion; thinking I’d find a delightful resolution. Perpetuation of a past I cannot escape. The malevolent forces, they start to take shape. Voices are frenzied but, I understand their verses. They shriek at me and declare my curses. The pain is relentless as memories compound. That which I seek will never be found.
Sirens Love by Annie Chanthathep
A mystical beast unknown
From the depths unbound,
In a sea of sound,
In long lost love of a sirens song,
And the deepest of love so strong,
But none,
But lost,
The gem of the deep,
An ancient blue
of lapis so true,
A lost treasure,
A loss in sleep,
A loss of heart,
And a loss to me,
I lost my love,
The siren in my reach,
I would travel the sea and the sky
To find my love song,
I will find,
Find me at the edge of time,
And be by my side forever,
I shall find you,
Find you I did,
And now were together forever.
Gem by Brandi Chanthathep
All shimmer and gleam,
From the realm of the dream,
She is magic of another kind,
On a solemn mission she seeks to find,
The treasure that decides between life and death,
In search of the prize of honor and breath,
Searching and seeking the depths and shore,
She longs to hold the treasure once more,
The treasure, a gem of ice and light and mist,
With which the bearer can forever exist,
She searches from twilight,
Until she reaches midnight,
She searches from the trenches up to the waves,
Single mindedly pursuing the treasure she craves,
Knowing its power and its allure,
The gem that offers a gift so pure,
The gem she remembers from her youth,
The one that alters the timeless truth,
The only one that can reverse the "when"
With which to restore life again.
THE SEARCH by Lozet Poet
As I sat in solitude thinking and wondering,
I asked myself the one question that needed answering.
I have asked my mother and all my family,
Just who was the responsible for the second half of me?
I have asked this question time and time again,
The only response I got was in the form of a small planet on a chain.
I’ve had dreams of meeting the man who used to play with me and brush my hair,
At the end of the day he’d sit me down in an elaborate chair and my memories bank would be bare.
I realized then that if I was to find the answer that I seek,
Then the chair of my dreams must be my mind’s way of offering me a peek.
I vowed that the next time I saw the chair in my dreams I ensured the image would not disappear,
As soon as my eyes opened the next morn I’d draw that chair just as I saw it in my sleep.
Armed with my drawing I began to search low and high,
I spent all my time looking from the crack of dawn to the dark of night.
It took nearly a week but I finally found what I had been searching for,
In the pages of a book there sat the chair of my dreams like I had never seen before.
To my surprise the chair belonged to a man of mythological lore,
Then I thought of something I hadn’t before.
Perhaps this man was the person I had longed to find throughout the years,
He could be the cause for all my fear anguish and tears.
I confronted my mother and she tried to deny what I showed and what I said,
She insisted the story was something I made up inside my head.
I was relentless and never gave up, not even an inch,
Then little by little my mother began to flinch.
She finally gave in and told me the truth about my father,
She told me where he lived and how I could find and confront him.
Armed with my newfound information I set off on my venture filled with perils and not laughs,
My first encounter happened in a week with a terrible beast who answered to the name of Cerbreus.
This three-headed dog guarded the door with great ferocity,
I fought as long as I could with great tenacity.
It took all the strength I had to get past the dog and break through the doors of the realm he protected,
Once inside I met with a man so big and scary, he really looked demented.
I scrambled to my feet as his gaze fixated on his uninvited guest,
He stared and growled as I stood in the middle of his nest.
I stammered and chuckled nervously as I tried to speak,
In my head I thought I’d just recite the words I had practiced all week.
The demented man’s gaze froze my feet to the ground and I couldn’t run,
I closed my eyes and blurted out “I think I’m your son”.
I felt the heat of rage slowly calm down and die,
That’s when I had the courage to open just one eye.
The man stood there looking at me with a semi-soft stare,
What happened next, there’s nothing that I could have done to prepare.
The man smiled and laughed so hard as he threw his hands up to the sky,
I wasn’t sure of how to react, should I stay or run and hide?
Before I could make a choice the man grabbed me by the arm and began to say,
“My boy, you don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to come my way,
I kept watch over you in every day of your life from birth and while you grew,
You didn’t see me but believe me, every step of the way I was there with you.
I wanted to talk to you and let you know who I was time and time again,
But the best I could do was to allow you to carry my name on your chain.”
I grabbed the planet that hung around my neck and a smile came to my face,
It was then that I had finally found my rightful place.
Then he, MY father, explained the meaning of the chair that I sat on at the end of my dream,
It was called the “Chair Of Forgetfulness” and made me forget everything.
It was the only way he could spend time with me and share some laughter and joy,
To him it was the next best thing to giving me a small and meaningless toy.
I now found myself facing another dilemma that demanded an answer before the midnight bell,
So I did what was best for me and decided to stay and live with my new pet, Cerberus, and my father, Hades, in hell.
A journey a day by Sebastian Andrews
Awake before the orange sun rises
Troubled by the possible days surprises
Planting my feet firmly on the ground
Life, not existence still to be found
Toiling hard through the heat of the day
My hopes; at some point, I’ll be able to play
Before I know it, the moon has risen
I never did leave this self-confined prison
When did it become so barren and cold
When did I age so, become so old
Awake before the orange sun rises
Today tomorrow, all reprises
Thank you everyone for joining us for our 5th edition of the Poetry Corner with Poison Ivy and Friends. I do hope you enjoyed the journeys you were taken on today. Every poet did a fantastic job.
A huge Thank you to all the poets for taking on this poetry challenge. A special Thanks goes to our youngest poet to ever join the Poetry Corner poetry challenge, Miss Annie Chanthathep, your debut poem was great.
We hope to see you all next time.