Friday, December 26, 2014
Jason Luke is back and is blogging! It has been almost one year that Jason Luke took over Facebook on a World Tour for his 5-star bestselling erotica romance novel Interview With a Master. The World Tour produced an e-book of all the snippets he created out of fan suggested scenes called Vignettes of a Master.
After that tour, did you ever wonder what it would be like to go to bed and wake up to the sensual words of Jason Luke? Well, wonder no more! Everyone who subscribes for free to Jason Luke's Blog will enjoy daily snippets in the comfort of you bed, couch or where you are most comfortable.
So as we wait for the highly anticipated new erotica romance to be released "The Word Master" with the sexy Jericho James, let's all sit back and relax with his oh so steamy snippets.
Click & Subscribe Here
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Interview with Author Lavar Amare
I was granted the privilege to sit down and chat with the author of Lady Kismet, Lavar Amare, in his very first interview.
Poison Ivy:
Good morning darling, Thank you for joining me this morning.
Lavar Amare:
Hey love
Lavar Amare:
I am happy you set this up.
Poison Ivy:
Always a great pleasure! Lets get started
Lavar Amare:
Ok so what are we going to talk about this morning?
Poison Ivy:
You of course! LOL
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
I know you have said that you've been writing for 15 yrs but really started 3 yrs ago, What was the 1st thing you wrote 3 yrs ago?
Lavar Amare:
I wrote something personal called War Machine that dealt with the state of society and why I thought it was breaking down... it was a personal project I never released. A completely different genre
Poison Ivy:
You say it was a personal project, was it just to get your creative juices flowing as a writer? Is this a short story or an actual novel? If it is a novel, was it completed or is unfinished?
Lavar Amare:
No. Actually it is something I am passionate about so I decided to write about it. The state of humanity is something I think about quite often. The way we're wired, why we do what we do is something that has always been fascinating to me. It was like a novella but I thought about making it longer until the flame came over me to write Lady Kismet.
Poison Ivy:
What genre does War Machine fall under? Do you ever think one day you will have it published? Why or why not?
Lavar Amare:
It's an interesting piece of work. Not sure exactly what genre it would be classified under. I use history to prove some of my points plus philosophy so not really sure where it belongs. I don't think I would release it the way it is. I would completely rewrite.
Poison Ivy:
Well I look forward to one day be reading it in my hands or on my phone
Well I think my favorite thing to do as a child was to go into the woods near our house and build club houses (shacks) lol
I also had an intense love for 80's movies... still do.
Believe it or not i wanted to be a Chef when i grew up... i did it. I don't want to cook for a living anymore. Lol
My super power would probably be Time jumping. Lol
Poison Ivy:
Your "Beauty" would also like to know, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Those are very interesting fun facts about you. Thank you for sharing them. I too have a love for 80's music.
Lavar Amare:
I've done a lot of crazy things. If i told you guys the craziest thing I've done it would ruin my image. Lol
Poison Ivy:
Oh really!? Now I want to know which means this will move into a separate chat later. LOL
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
Why did you name you book Lady Kismet? What does it mean?
Lavar Amare:
The word Kismet means the power of destiny or fate. I named it Lady Kismet to personify this guy's encounter with his Fate or destiny.
Poison Ivy:
How have readers responded to reading your book?
Lavar Amare:
There has been some favorable responses. Not a gang of people have read it yet but most people that actually finish it seem pretty impressed with the climax of the novel.
Poison Ivy:
For Lady Kismet being your first novel, are you proud of it and its growing success?
Lavar Amare:
Yes I am happy with it. I am most proud of the fact that people take a moral stance after reading it. It kind of challenges the reader to put themselves in the characters shoes at the end.
Poison Ivy:
If you saw this book in a bookstore or saw the link, would you as a man purchase it? and if so, what would you feel about the author and the story? if not, why would it not be appealing to you?
Lavar Amare:
Absolutely. First, it is a story about women written by a man so that would be something appealing. Second every man at some point in their life has been as STUPID as this main character Sean so to read about his hijinks and bumbling buffoonery will make me laugh because I've been through it.
Lavar Amare:
That guy Sean is very "special"
Poison Ivy:
Lol!! I must say you had me rolling on the floor at one point in the story that I will consider that my most favorite part. Yes, Sean Harris is very "special".
Poison Ivy:
So, what is Lavar Amare working on now as we speak? Do you have any special projects coming up in the new year? What can we expect from you as a growing author?
Lavar Amare:
I plan to find my my lane this year. My work will always be real, which means there will most likely always be adult elements (sex) in them but I want to branch out from strictly erotic material to develop a more universal approach to writing. This year you can expect a new Manuscript from me called "The Work Wife" and I also am equally involved in writing a softer story I want to release called "Purple Kisses".
Poison Ivy:
You will be a very busy man
Lavar Amare:
I'm trying to do the impossible. Lol
Poison Ivy:
When you published your first story on tumblr last year (12/11/13) did you ever think you'd be here this year with a book under your belt and 6 more stories?
Lavar Amare:
It did better than I thought it was going to do so I'm happy about that. Hope to do more in 2015.
Poison Ivy:
That is great news about your new projects and I look forward to reading them both and everything you release.
Lavar Amare:
Thank you for the support love.
Poison Ivy:
I believe you will achieve impossible
Lavar Amare:
Thank you babe.
Poison Ivy:
I want to Thank you for joining me and allowing me to conduct your very first author interview. It has been so much fun chatting with you this morning.
Lavar Amare:
Yea this was Awesome! We should do it again soon
Poison Ivy:
We most definitely will do this again. Look me up when your new books are ready to go.
Lavar Amare:
I will for sure. Thank you love.
Poison Ivy:
Later darling
Lavar Amare:
Talk to you soon
Good morning darling, Thank you for joining me this morning.
Lavar Amare:
Hey love
Lavar Amare:
I am happy you set this up.
Poison Ivy:
Always a great pleasure! Lets get started
Lavar Amare:
Ok so what are we going to talk about this morning?
Poison Ivy:
You of course! LOL
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
I know you have said that you've been writing for 15 yrs but really started 3 yrs ago, What was the 1st thing you wrote 3 yrs ago?
Lavar Amare:
I wrote something personal called War Machine that dealt with the state of society and why I thought it was breaking down... it was a personal project I never released. A completely different genre
Poison Ivy:
You say it was a personal project, was it just to get your creative juices flowing as a writer? Is this a short story or an actual novel? If it is a novel, was it completed or is unfinished?
Lavar Amare:
No. Actually it is something I am passionate about so I decided to write about it. The state of humanity is something I think about quite often. The way we're wired, why we do what we do is something that has always been fascinating to me. It was like a novella but I thought about making it longer until the flame came over me to write Lady Kismet.
Poison Ivy:
What genre does War Machine fall under? Do you ever think one day you will have it published? Why or why not?
Lavar Amare:
It's an interesting piece of work. Not sure exactly what genre it would be classified under. I use history to prove some of my points plus philosophy so not really sure where it belongs. I don't think I would release it the way it is. I would completely rewrite.
Poison Ivy:
Well I look forward to one day be reading it in my hands or on my phone
Lavar Amare:
I've been thinking about going to print a lot lately. I know how much people like to hold their books and physically flip the pages. Very near future
Poison Ivy:
I am one of those people I am not sure how perfect my eye will be when i get older if i keep reading on my phone. LOL
Lavar Amare:
Me either. I stare at a cpu screen literally all day
Poison Ivy:
I read your short story "Control My Body", which is HOT and proceeded to be hooked my all stories on tumblr. Do you think writing short stories is better than writing a novel or maybe even easier?
Lavar Amare:
Well... writing short stories is easier because of the length but it can get challenging when they all have sex in them. When you write about sexual encounters you don't want to always use the same moves... just like in real life, you don't like repetitive sex you have to mix things up in your writing.
Poison Ivy:
I must say you have done a great job at mixing things up.
Poison Ivy:
Lady Kismet but as I like to call it "Lady K" is your first published creation that Ive had the privilege of reading, may I say it was different. It is not your typical romance story nor is it erotica filled. Can you explain what your message behind "Lady K" is?
Lavar Amare:
I wanted to write a story will realistic experiences. I didn't want to ride this wave of Christian Grey (ish) style writing. I thought bringing some gravity to my writing would allow me to touch people's humanity. When people read my work I want them to feel a variety of emotions. My aim was to write a story that would challenge people morality and allow major character flaws and transformation to be at the center. The story is mainly about transformation and meeting the one character Jasmine was the catalyst of it all.
We all have major flaws so I wanted to put that into the story.
Poison Ivy:
Reading "Lady K" was a struggle for me at first but the more I kept going the more I was drawn into the storyline or as you call it the "transformation" of lead character Sean Harris.
I have love and hate feelings for Sean, why do you think that is?
Lavar Amare:
I know it isn't typical reading for most. The main character Sean is a jerk. But that is an accurate portrayal of many men out here and to have the it written from his hedonistic perspective can be hard for some women to read... they can't stomach it. They are most likely inclined to gravitate to the idea than Men are much more noble than they are. It's understandable though. I wanted to show what a lot of what men do and think.
Poison Ivy:
Yes, Sean is a jerk and that is why I was upset at the things he did BUT he also portrayed a side most men hide. That is why I loved him too. Do you mind if I lighten things up a bit?
Lavar Amare:
Yes go ahead
Poison Ivy:
I received a couple questions from one of your street team Beauties who shall remain nameless. Lol! Your Beauty would like to know, What was you favorite thing to do as a child? What did you want to be when you grow up? If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
So lets have those answers handsome
Lavar Amare: I've been thinking about going to print a lot lately. I know how much people like to hold their books and physically flip the pages. Very near future
Poison Ivy:
I am one of those people I am not sure how perfect my eye will be when i get older if i keep reading on my phone. LOL
Lavar Amare:
Me either. I stare at a cpu screen literally all day
Poison Ivy:
I read your short story "Control My Body", which is HOT and proceeded to be hooked my all stories on tumblr. Do you think writing short stories is better than writing a novel or maybe even easier?
Lavar Amare:
Well... writing short stories is easier because of the length but it can get challenging when they all have sex in them. When you write about sexual encounters you don't want to always use the same moves... just like in real life, you don't like repetitive sex you have to mix things up in your writing.
Poison Ivy:
I must say you have done a great job at mixing things up.
Poison Ivy:
Lady Kismet but as I like to call it "Lady K" is your first published creation that Ive had the privilege of reading, may I say it was different. It is not your typical romance story nor is it erotica filled. Can you explain what your message behind "Lady K" is?
Lavar Amare:
I wanted to write a story will realistic experiences. I didn't want to ride this wave of Christian Grey (ish) style writing. I thought bringing some gravity to my writing would allow me to touch people's humanity. When people read my work I want them to feel a variety of emotions. My aim was to write a story that would challenge people morality and allow major character flaws and transformation to be at the center. The story is mainly about transformation and meeting the one character Jasmine was the catalyst of it all.
We all have major flaws so I wanted to put that into the story.
Poison Ivy:
Reading "Lady K" was a struggle for me at first but the more I kept going the more I was drawn into the storyline or as you call it the "transformation" of lead character Sean Harris.
I have love and hate feelings for Sean, why do you think that is?
Lavar Amare:
I know it isn't typical reading for most. The main character Sean is a jerk. But that is an accurate portrayal of many men out here and to have the it written from his hedonistic perspective can be hard for some women to read... they can't stomach it. They are most likely inclined to gravitate to the idea than Men are much more noble than they are. It's understandable though. I wanted to show what a lot of what men do and think.
Poison Ivy:
Yes, Sean is a jerk and that is why I was upset at the things he did BUT he also portrayed a side most men hide. That is why I loved him too. Do you mind if I lighten things up a bit?
Lavar Amare:
Yes go ahead
Poison Ivy:
I received a couple questions from one of your street team Beauties who shall remain nameless. Lol! Your Beauty would like to know, What was you favorite thing to do as a child? What did you want to be when you grow up? If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
So lets have those answers handsome
Well I think my favorite thing to do as a child was to go into the woods near our house and build club houses (shacks) lol
I also had an intense love for 80's movies... still do.
Believe it or not i wanted to be a Chef when i grew up... i did it. I don't want to cook for a living anymore. Lol
My super power would probably be Time jumping. Lol
Poison Ivy:
Your "Beauty" would also like to know, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Lavar Amare:
I've done a lot of crazy things. If i told you guys the craziest thing I've done it would ruin my image. Lol
Poison Ivy:
Oh really!? Now I want to know which means this will move into a separate chat later. LOL
Lavar Amare:
Poison Ivy:
Why did you name you book Lady Kismet? What does it mean?
Lavar Amare:
The word Kismet means the power of destiny or fate. I named it Lady Kismet to personify this guy's encounter with his Fate or destiny.
Poison Ivy:
How have readers responded to reading your book?
Lavar Amare:
There has been some favorable responses. Not a gang of people have read it yet but most people that actually finish it seem pretty impressed with the climax of the novel.
Poison Ivy:
For Lady Kismet being your first novel, are you proud of it and its growing success?
Lavar Amare:
Yes I am happy with it. I am most proud of the fact that people take a moral stance after reading it. It kind of challenges the reader to put themselves in the characters shoes at the end.
If you saw this book in a bookstore or saw the link, would you as a man purchase it? and if so, what would you feel about the author and the story? if not, why would it not be appealing to you?
Lavar Amare:
Absolutely. First, it is a story about women written by a man so that would be something appealing. Second every man at some point in their life has been as STUPID as this main character Sean so to read about his hijinks and bumbling buffoonery will make me laugh because I've been through it.
Lavar Amare:
That guy Sean is very "special"
Poison Ivy:
Lol!! I must say you had me rolling on the floor at one point in the story that I will consider that my most favorite part. Yes, Sean Harris is very "special".
Poison Ivy:
So, what is Lavar Amare working on now as we speak? Do you have any special projects coming up in the new year? What can we expect from you as a growing author?
Lavar Amare:
I plan to find my my lane this year. My work will always be real, which means there will most likely always be adult elements (sex) in them but I want to branch out from strictly erotic material to develop a more universal approach to writing. This year you can expect a new Manuscript from me called "The Work Wife" and I also am equally involved in writing a softer story I want to release called "Purple Kisses".
Poison Ivy:
You will be a very busy man
Lavar Amare:
I'm trying to do the impossible. Lol
Poison Ivy:
When you published your first story on tumblr last year (12/11/13) did you ever think you'd be here this year with a book under your belt and 6 more stories?
Lavar Amare:
It did better than I thought it was going to do so I'm happy about that. Hope to do more in 2015.
Poison Ivy:
That is great news about your new projects and I look forward to reading them both and everything you release.
Lavar Amare:
Thank you for the support love.
Poison Ivy:
I believe you will achieve impossible
Lavar Amare:
Thank you babe.
Poison Ivy:
I want to Thank you for joining me and allowing me to conduct your very first author interview. It has been so much fun chatting with you this morning.
Lavar Amare:
Yea this was Awesome! We should do it again soon
Poison Ivy:
We most definitely will do this again. Look me up when your new books are ready to go.
Lavar Amare:
I will for sure. Thank you love.
Poison Ivy:
Later darling
Lavar Amare:
Talk to you soon
Lady Kismet by Lavar Amare
Available Now on Amazon & Google Play
Review of Sydney Jamesson's Touch Stone for Play
Poison Ivy's Review of Touch Stone for Play book 1 in The Story of Us Trilogy
The Story of Us Trilogy is by far one of the best stories I have ever read. I was captivated with every word and emotion the characters expressed and felt. Touch Stone for Play is where we are taken on Beth and Ayden's journey together. Beth Parker is shy and vulnerable in a way that most women can relate too but she also possess this inner strength she doesn't know she has. The revelation of her past is shocking and yet it's very well played out throughout this first book. Ayden Stone is every woman's dream man. He is a very successful business man and comes off as a ladies man, but his first encounter with Beth to me has changed his life forever. Ayden is a very powerful man so when he sets his eyes on Beth, he does everything in his power to win her love. We all know how Beth was feeling during their first encounter but I know we all wondered what Ayden was thinking and feeling. The bonus chapter from Ayden's POV was a fantasic gift to have been given. I loved the whole chapter. Ayden loved Beth from the beginning but to actually see when it began in his eyes and heart was beautiful. Sydeny Jamesson, has written a love story of epic proportions that is stays with you forever.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Sydney Jamesson's Stone Stripped Bare: The World Tour and Giveaway
Stone Stripped Bare: The World Tour and Giveaway
The Story of Us Trilogy by Sydney Jamesson
Special Limited Edition - TouchStone for play
We are absolutely thrilled to bring you Stone Stripped Bare: The World Tour for the special limited edition of Sydney Jamesson's TouchStone for play! TouchStone for play is a contemporary romance, hailed as a five star adult fairy-tale and the first book in the bestselling Story of Us Trilogy.
" ... look and listen and let me tell you the story of us." ~ Beth Parker

Two worlds collide ...
"The power you have over me, Beth ... you feel it don’t you, tell me you feel it?"
The air around us is spinning. "I feel it, Ayden." My heart beat is whooshing in my ears, yet there’s a gentle stillness between us that comes from accepting our fate. I want to frame this moment, to put it up on a wall behind a curtain so only I know it’s there; the moment when our two worlds actually collide.
"I'm going to find you, Princess .."
It’s 0100hrs and another wasted night. No sign of her, but he knows she’s out there, thinking about him, waiting for him. Every night he gets one step nearer to finding her. He stands eye to eye with her faded image, remembering her smell, her voice and that look in her eyes. It excites him, makes him hard and ready. His mouth opens slightly and his hands unwrap, pinning her to the noticeboard with human hand cuffs.
“I’m going to find you, princess ...

Sad Cinderella
Like a sad Cinderella, I pull off my uncomfortable shoes and throw them across the room, hoping that ridding myself of them will make me feel better. It doesn’t. I need to cry it out, but I can’t. I’m still too raw. There’s a buzzing sound. I can see my mobile phone dancing across the breakfast table; it’s on vibrate. I stagger over to see who is calling: it’s Ayden, Mr. P. himself but this time he has no potential, he’s not perfect or powerful and most certainly not Prince Charming. He’s a fucking Player and he’s played me for a fool.

Awakening ...
“I’m going to tie your hands to the bed frame. Give me your hands.” I respond to his persuasive fingers as they lift my hands above my head. Every inch feels like a mile, every second an hour: it’s a big ask. “I know this is difficult for you, but it’ll be worth it, Beth, trust me.” His words comfort me, as he ties my hands to the frame with the soft cord from the drawer. I focus on my breathing and wait.
“It’s time to let me love you, Beth.”
I nod with a powerful, sexual awakening as he begins the colonisation of my body …

"My body misses him ..."
My pulse is racing; the air in my lungs is escaping, making my shoulders dip. The memory of that night in Rome, the blindfold, hands tied, pinioned beneath Ayden defenseless, hits me like an overwhelming torrent of hot steam, suffocating me.
Wide eyed I sit, assessing sensations and self-diagnosing symptoms as my hands inch towards my groin. It’s arousal. Not the kind I get from sex or oral stimulation, or even from Ayden’s words, but the kind that is beginning to creep up on me when I least expect it. It resides in my brain as a memory and grips me by the throat, leaving me gasping for air, totally helpless. He’s not even here and I’m ready to submit, so staggering is my clawing need for sexual contact.
I miss him. My body misses him.
I miss him. My body misses him.
"Is this the night when I die ..."
I stretch over to my bed and boot up. In the middle of all this horror, I’m desperate to see him. As soon as my desktop appears I see his video call. I click on accept and see his face. Instantly I start to cry, realising who the monster outside my door is trying to steal me away from. “Ayden ...”
He looks pale; his troubled expression only makes me cry harder.
“I can see you, baby. Don’t cry. I’m here. We’ll get through this. “Let’s show this fucker what you’re made …”
I touch the screen.
“You’re so amazing, Beth. You’re so brave. Hold on, help’s on the way.”
Seeing him so distraught makes my chest hurt. The pain in my back is nothing compared to that. “Don’t worry Ayden.” I push back against the pounding and see his eyes closing, his hands covering his face. He cannot endure my suffering. I feel the trickle of tears on my cheeks, not out of self-pity or pain but because of the irony of it all. I’ve been waiting for the bubble to burst for so long and tonight it’s doing just that in spectacular fashion. Is this the night when I die – or worse?

A Vegas wedding ...
I enter the chapel; it's a huge room decorated in white, with enormous sheets billowing from left to right across the vaulted ceiling. Attached to the sheets are lights that sparkle and shine like diamonds dotted in rolling clouds, streaked with colours cascading through stained glass. Tall, swaying palm trees and greenery add natural beauty to this romantic melange.
The walkway is arched in polished wood but cut out like giant letter A’s, around which are white roses and lilies. Along the aisle are white rose petals, sprinkled like breadcrumbs in an enchanted forest, leading me home; leading me into the arms of the man I love. And there he stands, smiling, motionless, hands behind his back, sexy as hell in his signature suit and blue and white striped tie.
“You look so beautiful. You take my breath away,” he whispers.
“You don’t look too shabby yourself," I reply, trying to disguise my nervousness with a smile.
He arches a brow. “Are you ready to do this?”
“I was born ready, Ayden.”
He laughs out loud, realising better than anyone just how untrue that statement is. I laugh too. In a move worthy of the great romancers, he traces the shape of my jaw with the forefinger of his right hand. I close my eyes and raise my chin to receive his touch like a purring cat, feeling more connected to him at this precise moment than at any other time in our love affair ...

Fight for life ...
I sense an opportunity. With every ounce of strength I have, I throw myself off the desk and onto the floor. My head hits the carpet with a thud and I’m temporarily stunned. The grip he has on my wrists slackens as I fall and I wriggle free. I crawl backwards away from him but he’s incensed. Like a raging bull he tosses desks left and right to get to me. I fear for my life. Tears erupt from my eyes and spill over onto my cheeks like lemonade from a bottle; my body hurts, my face aches …
As if I’m no more than a rag doll, he picks me off the floor single handed. This time he has no desire to communicate with words, his actions speak for themselves; he’s driven by an insatiable urge to fuck me. Now!
“Please, don’t do this … I haven’t done anything to you … you don’t have to do this … please …” I am quietened by the force of his hand against my cheek. It lands with a crack and sends my head careering to the side. I have nothing left.
Nothing to fight with.
No strength.
No hope.
Like a toy with the stuffing removed I fold over the nearest desk, my face pressed into the veneer; his splayed hand is flat against my back and his free hand is tearing off my panties …
I am beyond rescuing …
As my world folds in on itself, all I am left with is a black hole of nothingness; an empty well into which I’m about to fall. Everything that was good is a faded memory. There’s only one word in my head and I sob and scream it for all I’m worth.
The door flies open. I can just lift my head high enough to see Ayden standing there. He’s perspiring and breathing heavily, nailed to the spot by this act of sexual cruelty.
For a split second our eyes meet. I see the love he has for me there; it’s like an ocean, wide and deep. There’s compassion for my suffering but, in a flash that softness is gone. In its place is a steely resolve to hurt someone, to hurt this crazy bastard who was seconds away from brutally raping me.
“Take your fucking hands off my wife,” he snarls in a voice I barely recognise ...

Survival ...
With absolute concentration I engage my senses until the distorted sounds disperse and reform into the beeping of a machine and gentle snoring. Where am I? My head is resting heavily on a pillow and turning to the right feels like a major feat, requiring actual mental effort to do so. My body appears to be glowing with warmth; the balmy air in this hospital room is suffocating and the body heat radiating off Ayden’s hands around mine has me close to igniting. A centimeter at a time I release my fingers and raise my hand as you would a lead weight until it comes to rest on his left cheek. I linger on the bristles before weaving my fingers into his hair, gasping in horror when I see the extent to which his face has been battered and bruised. My chest hurts and tears form. I try to contain them as you might a pint pot overflowing with froth but … My beautiful boy... He stirs and I still my hand, following the line of his silhouette with my eyes. He’s wearing crumpled clothes and a white shirt that has been roughly rolled back to the elbows. His wedding ring is the only object to draw the light. It’s a reminder, if any were needed, that we are connected; that we have always been connected.
"Welcome to my world ..."
My hands are pressed against the glass window, the view obscured by the steam exhaled from my lungs. “Tell me what you see.” While I try to verbalise my thoughts he is lowering my panties with both hands, falling to his knees. I feel the lacy material against my ankles. “Lift.” I step out of them, right foot first, wobbling on my black Louboutins. How bizarre I must look outstretched against this enormous window like a human kiss reaching for the moon. To steady myself I take hold of the window frame with my right hand and plant my heels down onto the wooden floor. I’m not going anywhere. I feel his breath on my neck a split second before he speaks. “Look closely. Can you see what I see?” he asks quietly. “The world is laid out at your feet. Every flickering light is an artificial star. This is the nearest you will ever get to my world. I brought you here to share it with you.” “The first of so many for you and I.” He sniffs at my hair and pushes his nose into the sensitive spot beneath my ear. “Welcome to my world, Beth.” I close my eyes and lean backwards into his rock-solid body. I feel his mouth curving into a satisfied smile. He has me where he wants me; craving his touch like a drug. It’s getting so I want - no, I need - my daily fix of Ayden Stone.
Self Sacrifice
His grip tightens on my buttocks. “Come on Beth, show me what you can do with this delectable body of yours,” he says, baiting
me, his mouth switching between an involuntary pout and a roguish grin.
I slide both hands into his hair and pull his mouth onto mine. “You haven’t the faintest idea what I’m capable of,” I state plainly, claiming his mouth with my tongue. “Lie back while I fuck you!” I push him backward, taking hold of his hands and slamming them down either side of his ears with our fingers entwined; the handcuffs dangling from his left hand like cheap jewellery. I arch my back and reposition myself so our union becomes a slick assembly of moist flesh and matted hair.
“This is not the woman I married,” he states, goading me on.
“That’s because I am not the woman you married,” I remind him, beginning to rock steadily up and down, gripping him like a gentle fist.
As the plummeting darkness swallows up the rural landscape I’m sniffing back tears, pressing buttons in search of headlights and wipers to clear away noisy raindrops that are rattling against the glass like bullets. Every new volley is a reminder of the battle raging in my mind and the conflicting emotions I’m harbouring. The motorway stretches out before me, a road leading me nowhere punctuated by the soundtrack to our love affair. The story of us plays out one song at a time. I fast forward to transatlantic tunes that closed the miles between us. I search for less meaningful songs but there are none; each recollection of images leaves me with only one conclusion: You’re all I have. I turn off Stone Patrol and search for something less emotionally charged on the radio. Florence Welsh sings about Sweet Nothings and I mouth the words! She reaches the chorus. I’m hitting the accelerator. I’m gripping the wheel as if my life depends on it. The world on all sides is a blur. I turn up the volume, feeling every word as if they are my own. Like a proclamation to God Almighty they voice my utter desolation, and bring me closer to the ultimate sacrifice; to do the hardest thing I will ever have to do: to forfeit my life for the sake of another. To atone for my sins I prepare to give my soul and all that I am: everything …The First Encounter: Ayden's POV
TouchStone for play Bonus Chapter Excerpts

I position myself comfortably, taking in the jostling traffic and blurred shapes of Monday morning commuters. Thankfully I’m shielded from the mayhem, the fumes and the noise, yet I’m feeling an uncustomary twinge of something unfamiliar; a kind of prickling sensation signalling an approaching thunderstorm or an argument perhaps.
My phone lands on the seat beside me. How the fuck did I get roped into this? I launched the ‘Payback Programme’ years ago and here I am standing in for my right hand man. This won’t be happening again. I’ll turn up, turn on the charm and get the hell out of there. Job done.
Note to self: Get someone to explain to Jake Harrison how to organise his calendar.
It’s 8.10 a.m. When I raise my eyes, I catch sight of myself in the glass; my mouth curving up at one side in a self-satisfied smirk.
Looking sharp, Stone.
Bring out the welcoming committee ladies, Mr. Stone is about to make an entrance. I lean back into the leather seat, inhaling the calming fragrance of lavender on leather and check my emails.

be more to her than that!” “There is …”
About Sydney Jamesson: There are those moments in life when a person you respect says something to you that strikes a chord, we’ve all had them … that moment came one Parents’ Evening when I was 16. An inspirational teacher said; “Your daughter should consider a career in Journalism or as a writer, she has a vivid imagination and a flair for creative writing …” As a wide-eyed teenager, those words were music to my ears. How prophetic was it that I went on to do just that … For as long as I can remember, I have lived with The Story of Us in my head. The fact that Elizabeth Parker is an English teacher should come as no surprise; as novelists we write, initially, about what we know … Yet, I should confess, she isn’t me but rather that young, sensitive and naïve woman we all were or still are. The difference being, she has been victimized and, because of it, remained hidden. But, unlike some characters who may have suffered at the hands of others, she is not damaged: wary yes, but not damaged. She still believes people are innately good and that is one of her many qualities. It is her propensity for compassion that allows her to invite Ayden Stone into her world when, on the face of it, he’s exactly what she doesn’t need. So that’s me, furiously typing away until the early hours, unveiling the intricacies of a 21st century fairy-tale; creating an epic story that melds a heady mixture of romance, suspense and a touch of the miraculous.
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12/9 - 12/14
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
****NEW RELEASE**** Bare With Me by Pawnie Santana
a past that haunted her, the last thing Peyton Somers ever expected was
to fall for a handsome, charming man. She wanted to live her life
happily alone, dedicating her time to a career she loved with a passion.
Peyton had everything she could ever need... amazing friends, loving
parents and the control over her life she worked damn hard to get. But
what do you do when fate steps in and makes other plans for you?
He's a successful COO of a family owned commercial development company. Liam Powers has every advantage in life growing up in a privileged and influential family. He has access to all the women he could ever want, unlimited funds and endless freedom. He can do, say and be whoever he wanted... until the day he met a woman he simply couldn't forget. A stranger who captured his attention, consuming him with the need to know more.
A woman like that never comes without a story. What he didn't anticipate, was how much of her story was never told.
When reality goes head to head with fate... Who will come out the winner?
He's a successful COO of a family owned commercial development company. Liam Powers has every advantage in life growing up in a privileged and influential family. He has access to all the women he could ever want, unlimited funds and endless freedom. He can do, say and be whoever he wanted... until the day he met a woman he simply couldn't forget. A stranger who captured his attention, consuming him with the need to know more.
A woman like that never comes without a story. What he didn't anticipate, was how much of her story was never told.
When reality goes head to head with fate... Who will come out the winner?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
by Sydney JamessonI had the privilege of conducting an exclusive interview with bestselling author Sydney Jamesson. The creator of The Story of Us Trilogy and maker of Ayden Stone and Elizabeth "Beth" Parker. The Story of Us is a fairytale love story that has captivated the hearts of many. I truly hope you enjoy this interview as I had sitting down chatting with Sydney. Be the first to find out Sydney's big Announcement at the end of the interview. This is on news you will want to know and pass on. Happy Reading!!
*** Warning! May contain spoilers. ***
Poison Ivy:
First I would like to say Thank you for giving me your precious time. I am very excited
Sydney Jamesson:
Hi, Ivy, thanks for having me.
What is it that you do besides writing?
Sydney Jamesson:
I teach English language and Literature to teenage girls and disaffected boys. LOL
They are at the age where the girls are maturing and picking up on the nuances of a pre 20th century poem and the boys are still flicking pieces of paper at each other!
Posion Ivy:
Did you always see yourself as a teacher? especially of English language and Literature?
Sydney Jamesson:
I was a teenager myself at a Parents' evening my English teacher - who
I loved - recommended that I should have a career in Journalism or be a
writer. She saw something in me which made an impact at such an
impressionable age. I never forgot that.
I worked as a copywriter and a commercial journalist and, for some unbelievably naive reason, thought that a career in teaching might be easier! {laughing} In someways it was because it allowed me to have time off with my daughter during the school hols but I missed the liquid lunches
Media folk are a 'creative' bunch, especially in the world of advertising!
Poison Ivy:
When did you decide it was time to write your own novel?
Sydney Jamesson:
I had lived with The Story of Us in my head for over 20 years. The character names were different but the plot was all there! I just never seemed to find the time or have the right kind of stimulus. Then FSOG came along - drawing my attention to the idea of writing for an audience without being an established or formally trained creative writer. More importantly Sylvain Reynard came into my life and I was sold. I class Gabriel's Inferno as the best written book I had ever read, after Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.
Poison Ivy:
Although, FSOG was my first erotica trilogy, I must agree with you when you say that Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard it the best written book ever.
Sydney Jamesson:
Sylvain Reynard's impeccable prose and romanticism made me dream of putting pen to paper again; of capturing that timeless love and elegance I was so familiar with in my literary background but seldom explored. I was bewitched by Gabriel's and Julianne's story and was compelled to write The Story of Us. Two years in the drafting and one year - to the day - to publish all three books!
I wrote like a madwoman; forgot to eat, survived on four hours sleep a night for 18 months! I just hope it was worth it {laughing}
Poison Ivy:
I must send my cyber Thanks to Sylvain Reynard for being such somewhat of a guide to you to write The Story of Us.
Sydney Jamesson:
He continues to inspire me. Not only with his writing, but with his humanity and his generous spirit. It is my ambition to meet him one day
Poison Ivy:
I am still at a loss of words on how to describe your trilogy. The Story of Us has captivated me in every way known to a reader.
Sydney Jamesson:
Thank you! All my life I have shied away from being type cast as a creative type or an organiser, a teacher even. I see that we are all made up of many facets; much like the sapphire motif I have used extensively in TSOU. In that respect the trilogy crosses genres and dares to be different. It is essentially a 21st century reworking of Sleeping Beauty - a fairy-tale. It has all the elements you might expect, right down to the wicked wolf, Dan Rizler.
is also a thriller. Woven through the love story is Dan's story told in
the third person to keep distance between him and the reader. Only
Beth's first person narrative endears the reader to her!
It also has elements of magical realism that reveal themselves in TouchStone for ever, but an astute reader will have been aware of that element all the way through. In the prologue the love story was described as being 'written in the stars ...' Something of that magnitude could not help but draw the eye of a higher order being: Death even who is ever present!
Poison Ivy:
You said you had TSOU in your head for 20 yrs, what was your inspiration way back when?
Sydney Jamesson:
My inspiration way back then was 20th century literature and the idea of women's liberation! Ha! I never wanted Beth to be a weak and feeble protagonist. She is quiet and a little shy but that's to be expected. She is also bright, funny and has a generous heart that no ogre from her past could soil or change.
Poison Ivy:
Ayden Stone is not your typical alpha male in my eyes. He has a strong personality but has a caring heart and loves with his soul, and you make sure to show his soft side throughout the book. When you wrote Ayden's character, how were you trying to portray him?
Sydney Jamesson:
I didn't see Ayden as your typical dominant, arse slapping, whip wielding alpha male. He is more than that. He has depth and is less of what has become a caricature in contemporary women's fiction. He has had a difficult past but has come through it and reinvented himself. He learns to laugh when he meets Beth and she humanises him. God love her for that!
Beth is a modern day heroine - an Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) for the modern age. She will not conform to anyone's expectations; she can hold her own in any situation but still holds onto that softness that makes us all care about her. That's why we cry in TSFE when she is willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for Ayden.
That's what REAL love is all about. Putting the one you love, first!
Poison Ivy:
OMG ... you had me on edge in every single book. My mini heart attacks were always constant and never ending. I did cry alot but I also was happy.
Sydney Jamesson:
Well, then my work is done! LOL I want to wrestle with my readers' emotions; to surprise them, to generate an emotional response either through the characters' feelings, moments of pathos or passion or even through music. If a book has moved me. I think I have had my money's worth if I have been swept away for a couple of hours and my world has been made a little richer for having had that experience. That's why the books are twice the size of usual novels; it's an epic love affair!
Posion Ivy:
Why did you create the "Open Book Day"? Wouldn't it have been easier to just have Aden tell Beth about his past?
Sydney Jamesson:
Open Book Day was Ayden's idea, {laughing} based on what Beth said to him. "Oh, you will never be an open book, Ayden." She was right! The rule in any good piece of writing is show, don't tell. I showed and it was wonderful to write. I loved meeting Sylvia and Patrick, learning about Ayden's mother and being introduced to Winnie. I wanted readers to get to know the real Ayden, hence the marbles and his tormented past, the guilt for something that he could not have prevented as a child.
issue of child abuse and incompetent child care is massive in the UK
at the moment. So many children are neglected and fall through the net. Ayden was
lucky; Elise was not so lucky.
Touch Stone for giving was Ayden's book. Touch Stone for ever was Beth's
Posion Ivy:
I cried tears of joy and sadness on that day because as a reader I was brought into Ayden's past that is so crucial to this story
Sydney Jamesson:
I agree ... I can read it now and cry too.
Beth shared her story about her mother with him and he felt close enough to her to share his secret past too. They were in love, he was learning that's what lovers do. Confess everything and be compassionate!
Poison Ivy:
And the wedding proposal was just out of this world. The wedding was beautifully described
Sydney Jamesson:
Posion Ivy:
I cried tears of joy and sadness on that day because as a reader I was brought into Ayden's past that is so crucial to this story
Sydney Jamesson:
I agree ... I can read it now and cry too.
Beth shared her story about her mother with him and he felt close enough to her to share his secret past too. They were in love, he was learning that's what lovers do. Confess everything and be compassionate!
Poison Ivy:
Why did you make such a small intimate wedding in Vegas the biggest event in the story?
Sydney Jamesson:
you! It was not a conventional wedding! As we know Ayden was keeping a
massive secret up until this point. The ceremony was his final
opportunity to make her remember, It was a fairy-tale wedding, right
down to the 'breadcrumbs' leading her to the altar
He wanted to be the man she deserved. Her Prince Charming.
wedding proposal was pure movie magic! He was conscious of having
made such a mess of it the first time in Rome so wanted to do it right -
he went overboard but Beth loved it and so do my readers. {laughing}
The fact remains that he had been planning it since day one. Jake explained that to Beth on the flight back to the UK.
Poison Ivy:
There was a moment in the book when Ayden asked Beth what she wanted and she told him what that something was. You then gave your readers a clue as to what Ayden did to make that wish come true for Beth. Did you want your readers to catch that clue?
Sydney Jamesson:
Poison Ivy:
There was a moment in the book when Ayden asked Beth what she wanted and she told him what that something was. You then gave your readers a clue as to what Ayden did to make that wish come true for Beth. Did you want your readers to catch that clue?
Sydney Jamesson:
God yes!! It is so important that they do!
That was such a generous act on his part.
Poison Ivy:
I caught it the moment you wrote the words and was the most excited. It was beautiful
Sydney Jamesson:
The fact that the reader knew but Beth didn't made it all the more special!
Poison Ivy:
I caught it the moment you wrote the words and was the most excited. It was beautiful
Sydney Jamesson:
The fact that the reader knew but Beth didn't made it all the more special!
Poison Ivy:
That is true and I loved it! I must confess I did NOT like Dan and Elise. Why did you make their paths cross and join together?
Were you trying to show the just what strength Ayden and Beth's love had that they could overcome anything and everything together?
Sydney Jamesson:
Dan served many functions. He added the suspense element to TouchStone for play and TouchStone for giving and this encourages the reader to side with Beth; to fear for her safety as he got closer to her! His parallel narrative also gives an insight into the mind of a madman, a dangerous sociopath who will stop at nothing to get to her: a wolf in sheep's clothing!
Yes, he and Elise failed in their mission to drive Ayden and Beth apart. The reverse happened. They became closer. Ayden took care of Beth, he became her knight in shining armour, her saviour.
Elise appeared wicked through and through but she was a product of her terrible childhood. As Beth pointed out, "she never learned how to love." Readers grow to hate her and it isn't until TSFE that they get to see the real Elise. Like every other character in the trilogy, she redeems herself and her letter is the means by which Beth concludes her final lesson in love.
Poison Ivy:
With Dan and Elise out of the picture, we as readers always expect the HEA right away but that did not happen in TSFE. My heart broke at the loss that Ayden and Beth suffered but there were many turn of events all at once. I am really trying not to spoil anything for readers, so can you tell them what the message was in TSFE?
Sydney Jamesson:
There was! It was always my intention to deliver the HEA my readers needed. Having said that, it was not delivered on a plate. {laughing}
Poison Ivy:
I loved it! I was in tears! I saw the HEA but you took us on another journey that lead us to the ending that was brilliant. Was it really just a dream?
Sydney Jamesson:
Fairy-tales seldom have a HEA ... lives are lost, monsters killed, lessons learned. That's what appeared to take place in TouchStone for giving. The
ending was not a dream!! She was still wearing her mother's ring! That's why she was so shocked when she saw it. Her dark prince had loved
her enough to let her go, to give Ayden back to her!
"I’m smiling and crying but these are not tears of
sadness, fear or regret; they’re tears of joy. Somewhere out there in
the night sky is a blinding light and in that light there is goodness
and compassion. Now I know the truth. I have been loved by an angel"
Poison Ivy:
Beth loved her dark prince, didn't she?
Sydney Jamesson:
She felt compassion for him and taught him how to feel that too. She sensed his loneliness but she was always faithful to Ayden. She confessed her love for him and kept it alive through her digital scrapbook.
True love in its true form
Sydney Jamesson:
Absolutely! Remember the prologue in TouchStone for play ... this was forecast right then ...
I was least expecting it, my wish found its way to a fateful star.
Someone extraordinary succumbed to the gravitational pull: a mere
mortal. That little piece of heaven was Ayden Stone.
In that one defining moment my life changed forever."
Little did she know that gravitational pull had attractive something more metaphysical ...
It was her Dark Prince who had always been watching over her! He had been in love with her for most of her life!
He took the opportunity to steal her away from Ayden but loved her enough to let her go!
The message of TSFE explores the idea of real love!
If you love someone unconditionally there are no lengths to which you
won't go to save them. You will give EVERYTHING! Beth does exactly that
and is heroic in that respect.
Poison Ivy:
You Ms. Sydney Jamesson are a shining star that has written the most beautiful story I have read.
Sydney Jamesson:
Aww. Thank you, Ivy I am so moved by your words!
Poison Ivy: So, I hear you have a BIG announcement you'd like to share with your readers. Please share this news with us.
Sydney Jamesson: Haha! Due to popular demand I have finally allowed
Ayden to have his say! You know what he's like. He isn't the kind of man
to be quiet for long. {laughing}
I will be introducing him, in the first instance,
through a bonus chapter in an upcoming special edition of TouchStone for play. Mr. Stone will be STRIPPED
BARE for a limited time on December 9th. After that who knows what he will be getting up to in the new year.
He and Beth have a life together ... a baby on the way, a French mother
to meet and so many other avenues to explore together ... their epic
romance will continue.
I am so excited! I have missed not hearing them speak and sharing their wonderful adventures with readers everywhere.
Poison Ivy: OMG!!!!! YAY!!!! I am so jumping up and down with this news.
Sydney Jamesson: Ha! Thank you, Ivy! ME TOO!!
Poison Ivy:
It is such an honor and privilege that you have chosen to share this exclusive with me and your readers. Thank you so much, Sydney!
Sydney Jamesson:
Sydney Jamesson:
pleasure, Ivy. You have become a great friend and supporter of
the trilogy. All we have to do now is get Henry to read The Story of
Us, see himself in Ayden - the romance, the laughter, the strength of
character - and sign up for the movie!! {laughing}
I wish!!
You can find author Sydney Jamesson on the web and on Facebook.
The Story of Us Trilogy can be purchased at the following links below.
You can now listen to Ayden and Beth's playlist from The Story of Us Trilogy.
Touch Stone for play- playlist
Touch Stone for giving- playlist
Touch Stone for ever- playlist
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